concert live chateau paradis duo seme

Chill Rock Concert

Duo Sème

  • Date: August 8 - 7pm to 11pm
  • Place: Chateau Paradis
  • Price: €8 - Includes a glass of wine from Domaine Chateau Paradis

Meet Duo Sème, the perfect pairing of Mélissa Ollinger, a classical pianist trained at the Avignon Conservatory, and Merlin Signoud, a blues-rooted guitarist who builds his own instruments. Together, they form a dynamic duo that performs an eclectic repertoire ranging from Johnny Cash to Clara Luciani, including Coldplay and Maroon 5. Their music, enriched with shades of jazz, soul, and even Gypsy touches, is a true journey across genres, offering performances that are both intimate and vibrant.

About the artists: Mélissa brings the refinement of her classical training, while Merlin injects a raw and passionate energy into each piece. Their stage chemistry is palpable, creating moments of live and unique music. Don't miss the opportunity to come and listen to them.
